Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Electric Power Producing Artificial Trees

Another objection to wind, solar and geothermal devices have been resolved. That objection has been the un-natural aesthetics of 'Solar panels", "Wind turbines" and "thermalvoltic pumps"
An artificial tree that produces electricy from solar, wind, and geothermal energy seems to be the obilous solution.

A London based company called Solar Botanic intends to use Energy Harvesting Trees to generate solar as well as wind energy utilizing an emerging science called “biomimicry.”
Biomimicry mimics nature’s processes in order to produce clean, environmental friendly energy.
Solar Botanic claims that its energy capturing powerhouse is going to be Nanoleaf.
On their website, they say, “A Nanoleaf is thin like a natural leaf, when outside forces, like the wind pushes the Nanoleaf back and forth, mechanical stresses appear in the petiole, twig and branches. When thousands of Nanoleaves flap back and forth due to wind, millions and millions of Pico watts are generated, the stronger the wind, the more energy is generated.”

Sun, wind, water, earth and life touch our living senses immediately always, everywhere and without any intervention of reason. They simply are there in their unmatched variety, moving us, our moods, memories, imaginations, intensions and plans.

To capitalize on the wealth of designs and processes found in nature, engineering and technology gave us the ingredients, creative thinking, and unique solutions made it possible to bring all this together into a natural looking leaf - the Nanoleaf.

To complete the tree for multi energy exploitation, the petiole twigs and branches are incorporated with Nano piezo-electric elements. A Nanoleaf is thin like a natural leaf, when outside forces, like the wind pushes the Nanoleaf back and forth, mechanical stresses appear in the petiole, twig and branches. When thousands of Nanoleaves flap back and forth due to wind, millions and millions of Pico watts are generated, the stronger the wind, the more energy is generated.

Our Nanoleaves only reflect a small part of the sunlight that strikes them, mostly the green light, and the rest of the spectrum is efficiently converted into electricity.

Besides converting the visible spectrum of light, our Nanoleaves also convert the invisible light, known as infrared light or radiation, we can’t see it, but we can feel it - it’s warm - that’s why we call it radiation. Due to the unique combination of photovoltaic and thermovoltaic in our Nanoleaves it converts this thermal radiation into electricity, even hours after the sun has set.

The more wind there is,the more Nanoleaves are moved. Wind that is moving thousands of Nanoleaves in a tree canopy are causing mechanical strain in the petiole, twigs and branches. Nano piezo-electric elements incorporated in the petiole twigs and branches are the tiny Nano piezo-electric elements that will generate millions and millions of Pico watts as these thousands of Nanoleaves flap back and forth due to wind. The stronger the wind, the higher the “flap” frequency, and therefore the larger the watts generated in the petiole, twigs and branches.

With the progress in nano technology, the photovoltaic, thermovoltaic and piezo electric materials are becoming more efficient and combined in one system it will give these products more efficiency and we believe that soon, SolarBotanic will be a mainstream green energy provider, more reliable/cheaper and above all better looking.

Reprinted from and Solar Botanic Websites

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